Competitive Priorities & Capabilities

Competitive Priorities:

A Competitive Priority refers to the critical dimensions in which process or a supply chain 
must possess in order to satisfy customers (Both internal and external).

The dimensions that are being focused upon are Cost, Time, Quality and Flexibility 
(also known as the Competitive Capabilities).

1.Delivery speed

The HME timer records the service times of every customer that comes to the Drive-thru window, then provides a printout of the average time for the different day parts.

Employees are actively involved in trying to accomplish better times than the previous week.

Employees that get a better time receive a yellow, while those that don't receive a red.

2.Consistent Quality

3.Low cost operations

4. Variety

Process Strategy:

  • Taco Bell has a Hybrid office process strategy, a mix of front and back office.. 
  • There is some interaction with the customers, specifically when they order and pay, and when they receive their food. The rest of the process does not involve interaction with the customer.
  • Taco Bell offers a standardized menu, that can be customized depending on the customers needs. Every item, regardless of how much it may be customized from its original ingredients, must start with one of the standard menu item choices. 

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