
    In conclusion we learned a lot about Taco Bell. Although the focus of our analysis and interview with Dale Richard was mainly process analysis,  we learned that Taco Bell is a very innovative company, with friendly employees, and it comes up with creative strategies to compete with its high competitors. We also learned that Taco Bell is part of the Yum! Brands along side Pizza Hut and KFC. 
    In conclusion we have analyzed that Taco Bell takes pride in providing quality service and products to their customers. They have a great relationship with both the customers and one another. They have a great system when it comes to providing their customers with fast service while also being attentive and exceeding their customers expectations. With a near to flawless system with their cooks and staff to create a large quantity of their products at a fast pace without missing a single ingredient thanks to their pull system and single digit set up. 
    We also learned that the operations of a fast food company ,and managing those operations are not as simple and easy as one might assume, especially when dealing with items such as food and perishables that can be harmful and cause illnesses if not properly handled and the correct procedures are not used.  

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